Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Welcome back to the podcast, where we're exploring mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett.
This episode is the first in a series looking at messages James received from friends and acquaintances who passed to spirit before him. We look at a message James received from his old law professor, Joseph Salyards, who shares some reflections on his progress in spirit. We met Professor Salyards briefly in a previous episode (1.4).
The written transcript of this episode is available here: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/life-in-spirit-2-1-is-knowledge-enough-7eaed0ecc26a
The YouTube video this episode is based on is available here: https://youtu.be/LUpuX8JcYtY
If you're interested in exploring the Padgett Messages for yourself, the full collection can be found at www.divinelove.org
There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes and can be found here: www.divinelove.org
A shorter selection of the messages, which forms the basis for these videos, can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
Additional links can be found on the YouTube channel homepage.
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Welcome back to the podcast, where we're looking at mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett.
This episode looks at a message James received from his daughter, Nita, some months after her passing to spirit following an unsuccessful operation. James received a short message in October 1918, followed by this longer one in December 1918, which contains more detail about her life in spirit and how she has progressed.
The written transcript of this video is available here: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-20-a-father-hears-from-his-daughter-39ecd40aada6
The YouTube video version of this episode is available here: https://youtu.be/K71uyUZBnWw
If you're interested in exploring the Padgett Messages for yourself, the full collection can be found at www.divinelove.org
There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes and can be found here: www.divinelove.org
A shorter selection of the messages, which forms the basis for these videos, can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
Additional links can be found on the YouTube channel homepage.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Welcome back to the podcast, looking at mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett.
This episode looks at a message James received from his daughter, Nita, some months after her passing to spirit after an unsuccessful operation. Nita's message is followed by one from James' wife, Helen, in which she reminds James of the need fro his cooperation in establishing the rapport needed for the messages.
There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes and can be found here: www.divinelove.org
A shorter selection of the messages can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
The video version of this episode is available here: https://youtu.be/G4JJ-weBnuA
The written transcript for this episode can be found here: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-19-establishing-a-rapport-f00ed346f772
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Welcome back to my series of podcasts looking at mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett. This video looks at a message James received from his wife, Helen, following the death of their daughter, Nita, following an unsuccessful operation.
This message is particularly interesting because Helen had told James she expected the operation to be a success and that Nita would recover from it. Helen explains that, even for people in spirit, it is not always possible to judge these things with certainty.
If you're interested in exploring the Padgett Messages for yourself, the full collection can be found at www.divinelove.org There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes. A shorter selection can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
The YouTube video version of this podcast is available here: https://youtu.be/fq5Uc4nb_s0 Additional links can be found on the YouTube channel homepage.
The text used for the video can be found below: Video Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-18-discerning-the-future-73d05c46097
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Welcome back to this series of podcasts looking at mediumship and life in spirit through the automatic writings of the early twentieth-century medium James Padgett. This episode looks at a message James received from his grandmother explaining the difference that Divine Love made to her during her earth life, and the difference it makes to every soul who seeks it.
If you're interested in exploring the Padgett Messages for yourself, the full collection can be found at www.divinelove.org
There are about 2,500 messages from among those written by Padgett during his lifetime. The full collection is in four volumes. A shorter selection can be found in Alan Ross's 'The New Testament of Spiritualism', available through Amazon or www.thenewtestamentofspiritualism.com
A written version of the text used for this episode can be found below: Video Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-17-divine-love-casts-out-fear-25665458b25a
A video version of this episode is available here: https://youtu.be/463iG6kVujg
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
This is the second of a pair of episodes looking at the different environments that exist in the world(s) of spirit.
Part 1 is here: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-vgqbc-127edb8
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ps8oWCizgiI
Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-16-1-the-spiritual-heavens-75d1cda5aa57
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Welcome back to the podcast, looking at life in spirit through the automatic writings of early twentieth-century medium James Padgett. This episode is the first of a pair explaining the different levels of existence in spirit.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/bBTuue7-ol8
Transcript on Medium: https://medium.com/@Antonn1
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
In this episode, I look at two messages mediums James Padgett received in November 1915. The first message addresses the traditional Christian doctrine of unforgivable sin. The second one is from James’s wife, Helen, about how spirit care for children who die before birth or as very young children.
Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/forgiveness-the-law-of-attraction-ea700772b212
Video: https://youtu.be/IUliE0Z5Q90
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
in this podcast I share a series of striking messages received by medium James Padgett on July 18, 1915, which were intended to leave no doubt at all in his mind as to the identity of the people in spirit writing through him and as to the content of their messages.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/5aKCADQ95d8
Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-14-getting-the-message-through-550c86ed9e06
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
In this video I share two messages that the medium James Padgett received from his grandmother, Ann Rollins, a few weeks apart in early 1915, asking him to trust in the messages he receives and sharing an account her first meeting with Jesus.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Un36xJ6teBA
Transcript: https://medium.com/@Antonn1/mediumship-1-13-trusting-in-spirit-38cc11642fea
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